
Together We Heal!

Our signature, groundbreaking "Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly" retreats are Restful, Rejuvenating, TherapEutic, Spiritual, Healing, and Transformative!

Survivors find joy, encouragement and strength in the aftermath of sexual terrorism!

Throughout the year we offer free “Healing Retreats” for survivors of sexual terrorism, at the beautiful and tranquil landscape of Loyola Retreat Center in Morristown, NJ.

Our Retreats are designed to empower survivors with exercises and activities that help them heal and recover from the emotional psychological and spiritual debilitation of sexual terrorism.

Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly Healing Retreat – is a free weekend healing retreat for women and girl survivors of sexual terrorism. Like a butterfly, survivors of sexual terrorism are often trapped in a cocoon of unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, rage, guilt, shame, fear and silence.

The purpose of the retreat is to examine the process of forgiveness, dispel the myths on what forgiveness is and is not; and to encourage survivors to “Shower Themselves with Forgiveness,” Turn the Tide, and Take Back Their Power." And Choose to Forgive those who Deeply Hurt Them!”

We believe through forgiveness, survivors can set the butterfly inside of them free and live a more authentic, loving, forgiving, fearless, free and purposeful life.

Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly Healing Retreat 2015

Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly Healing Retreat 2016

"Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat Book Discussion 2017 - "Sex Is Not A Substitute For Love" Author Ym Styles

Denise, a survivor, with Y.M Styles, survivor and author of "Sex is Not a Substitute for Love."

Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly Healing Retreat 2015

Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly Healing Retreat 2016

Vision Board Art Therapy, "Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat 2016

Vision Board Art Therapy "Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat 2018

Handpainting Activity- Women, Leadership And Sisterhood Retreat 2018

"Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Young Women's Survivors Retreat 2018

Volunteer, Wendy Wright's Tea/aromatherapy Workshop

I Saw Women Carrying the Pain of Their Lives Carried in Water Jars

They went to the river [called Healing Waters] to pour out their pain." -Zulu Love Song

"Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat 2017

Outside fun laughter and sisterhood, at our July, 2017 Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly Healing Retreat. "Laughter is like medicine for the Soul!" Deborah, Vivian, Sandy, Stephanie, Teresia and Crystal.

Survivors Rest, Relax, And Rejuvenate!

Our Retreats are also an opportunity for survivors to get away from the overwhelming stress of everyday life. and spend a weekend of rest, contemplative meditation, massage therapy, swimming, group interactive activities, art and music therapy, laughing yoga, journaling, reflection ;silence and storytelling in a safe and sacred space.

Circle-talks Writing Retreat 2017

Circle-Talks Writing Retreat – is our free weekend Writing Retreat for women and girl survivors of sexual terrorism. During our retreat, survivors write, share, and softly critique each other’s memoirs, poetry, short stories, fiction and non-fiction writing. We also provide information to those who desire to publish their work.

"Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat Book Discussion 2017 - "Sex Is Not A Substitute For Love" Author Ym Styles

Denise, a survivor, with Y.M Styles, survivor and author of "Sex is Not a Substitute for Love."

Circle -Talks Writing Retreat 2017- Powerful Poem, "My Father"

By Laura Foley

Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly

By Donna Hammond

Donna Hammond- Chicago, Illinois, "Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreat, July 2017 - Video