Our Services

Giving, Serving, Growing!

Sadly, many women survivors do not have a safe and sacred space to break their silence, tell their stories, be encouraged and inspired, heal their their souls; AND a space where they can just be their authentic selves.

Many also do not have anyone to love them through their story. Silence protects the perpetrator and imprisons the victim. Through our services we encourage survivors to take back their lives, and break their silence. We want them to know they are not alone, and that we are here to help!

Healing Waters Global Facebook Page

Come To The River Circle Of Healing Page

(Facebook Secret Group)

Come to the River Celebration and Event

(Facebook Secret)

A safe and sacred space where women survivors of sexual terrorism come together on Facebook in a spirit of sisterhood. It is a closed secret group only open to survivors. We break our silence. We tell our stories. We pour out our pain. We celebrate our joys! And, we connect with the Divine. As advocates and survivor’s of sexual terrorism, we invite you to Come to the River Sister Circle to share, be celebrated and supported.

Sister Circle Of Healing Support Group

Our Sister Circle of Healing is a monthly support group in a safe and sacred space where survivors gather and share their stories in a respectful, non-judgemental and confidential circle of sisterhood. The Sister Circle employs "6 Ways to Heal as a framework for group discussion (see "About Page) and the book: "The Courage to Heal"

Circle-talks Writing Retreat

Circle-Talks Writing Retreat - One day and weekend retreat where survivors write, share, and softly critique each other’s memoirs, poetry, short stories, fiction and non-fiction writing. A free weekend Writing Retreat for women and girl survivors of sexual terrorism.

"Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" Retreats

Forgiveness Is Freedom!

A free weekend healing retreat for women and girl survivors of sexual terrorism. Like a butterfly, survivors of sexual terrorism are often trapped in a cocoon of unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, revenge, shame, guilt. fear and silence. The purpose of the retreat is to examine forgiveness, dispel myths on what forgiveness is and not; and to encourage survivors to “Shower Themselves with Forgiveness” and “Turn the Tide, Take Back their Power and Forgive Others.”

We believe through the process of forgiveness, survivors have the capacity to set the butterfly inside them free; and, live a more authentic, loving, forgiving, fearless, free and purposeful life. Our retreat also includes, massage therapy, Thai-chi, mini make overs, dress for success, reike, dance therapy, art and music therapy, meditation, laughing yoga, trauma yoga, circle drumming, storytelling, interactive group activities, journaling and more!

Come to the River Prayer Circle

Prayer Changes You! It has been established that prayer has psychological effects. "It improves self-control, makes you more forgiving, increases trust, and offsets the negative health effects of stress."

Survivors on our Come to the River Sister Facebook page, CTTR Sister Circle Support Group, and Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly Healing Retreat, who are in need of prayer may contact designated Prayer Sisters who will be their prayer partner and pray with and for them in their time of need.

While we are not a religious or faith based organization, we believe spirituality is a resource for healing. We are an inclusive sisterhood and respect and celebrate all faith traditions.

Painting Party!

Our painting party is a psychosocial therapeutic art activity, free and designed to bring survivors together where they share an evening of art, dinner, sisterhood, conversation and laughter in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.

The purpose is to encourage survivors to "open up and enjoy an evening of creative expression regardless of artistic knowledge."

"Using color is more than a visual experience, it is also a psychological one that can radically affect a survivor's mood and emotion. It is a classic form of communication that can project a survivor’s personality."

She Reads Monthly Book Club!

"Books Can Heal Or Hurt. The Good Ones Do Both."

Our monthly book club is designed to not only "facilitate increased reading, and improve debating skills to support survivors point of view, but relieves stress levels, boost creativity, and encourages survivors to compare and identify with the lives of book characters.

Survivors meet up monthly at a designated location, dine, socialize and discuss a book that they have selected and read. Survivors are encouraged to express their opinions, likes, dislikes and overall critique of each book.' Monthly books. ("She Reads") free T-shirts, dinner and transportation are provided.