

“It was the most healing experience in my life…This retreat saved me!”

“I am a survivor of sexual assault, and when my mental health needed attention, I looked for a safe place with other survivors and I couldn’t find anything. After months of research, I found the Forgiveness Frees the Butterflies Retreat. I emailed Dr. Mitchell and spoke with her over the phone, and I never felt more heard and understood in my path of healing. She said all the right things, made me feel safe, validated my feelings, and even offered that I attend the retreat free of charge as long as i could get to the east coast.

I attended in 2016 in New Jersey and it was one of most healing experiences in my life. In order For Dr. Mitchell to continue on her journey of helping survivors, she needs donations so that more survivors, like myself, can attend such or these fantastic retreats. Realizing you need help is not weak, it takes strength to say out loud I need help and to find it. This retreat saved me and I hope she can continue on in her path of helping others. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated and will go to such an amazing opportunity for these other women.

Your donation can help [us] Dr. M help women heal! Money order or check Payable to: Healing Waters Global Inc.. 6A Pulaski Avenue, Carteret, NJ 07008. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you in advance!

- Jordan Wolf

"Forgiveness is a process and the retreat helped so much to put things into perspective."

"Participated in the Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly retreat this past weekend. Wow what an experience. Met some awesome women and learned so much about them and myself! Forgiveness is a process and the retreat helped so much to put things into perspective. I became aware of feelings and emotions that I have hidden for so long and some I didn't even know I had.

My heart has been opened further to God and I am further along my journey to know Him. I am exhausted, but in a good way. So much to think about. I am still processing it all. Thank you Dr. Brenita Mitchell for all of your hard work putting this together and thank you to all that participated and shared so much of themselves."


"The Retreat "Impacted my life forever"

"The Presentations on "Forgiveness Frees The Butterfly" and "Expectations" have impacted my life forever. My prayer is that these programs are made available and facilitated for the many women that are in dire need of finding their voice and power. Sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart for the leaders that committed their time and knowledge. They gifted us by bringing this incredible experience into existence and fruition"

Dr. Brenita Mitchell and Liz Victoria in Queens, New York at the Heart To Heart Living Room Experience under the leadership of Rev. Shirley Hensford (dressed in the white pearls)


"If you bring forth that which is within you, that which is within you will heal you. But, if you do not bring forth that which is within you, that which is within you, will destroy you."

- Adapted From The Gnostic Gospels

"There are no more secrets, I am not alone, I'm not insignificant, I am perfect."


"Forgiveness is a process, forgiveness is for you so you can walk in freedom,...and understand your purpose"

- Constance

"I didn't know healing was possible!"


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Laura Foley

Committing to Sexual Trauma Therapy

Constance Kearse

Finding Joy in Choosing Forgiveness