
Women Light Up The Darkness!

In 2011 Dr. Brenita Mitchell accepted the call to establish Healing Waters Global Inc. HWG is a 501C(3) Non-profit Charitable Organization.

- Dr. Brenita Mitchell - Founder and President of Healing Waters Global, Mom, Womanist Theologian, Global Feminist, and Ordained Minister

Dr. Brenita Mitchell

Our Mission is to provide a safe and sacred space for survivors to break their silence, tell their stories, heal, recover and find joy!

Our Objective is to provide survivors with the necessary tools to help them take responsibility for their own healing and recovery.

At the heart of our passion and mission, is to provide free “Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly Retreats” for women and girls sexually violated in America and abroad!

"The world will change and transform when we realize we are beautiful, powerful and strong"
- Marianne Williamson

Our Manifold Vision is to help three million women and girl survivors to have a safe space to break their silence, tell their stories and heal.

Due to the expanded definition of sexual terrorism, we proudly serve women living and affected by HIV/AIDS.

Deloris Dockrey, HIV/AIDS Educator, Advocate, and Sexual Terrorism Survivor

Sexual Trauma
Sexual Trauma
Sexual Trauma

What You Need To Know About Sexual Trauma!

#You Can Heal! 6 Ways To Heal

Sexual Trauma -

"Any sexual act that is imposed on another person without their consent."

Victim -

"A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action"

Heal -

"The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again."

Thrive -

"To prosper, be fortunate or successful, to grow or develop vigorously."

We Are A Beautiful Diverse Sisterhood!

We serve women and girls regardless of age, demographic location, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, intellectual ability, political and religious Affiliation.






New Jersey



New Jersey






Puerto Rico






New Jersey



New Jersey






New Jersey




Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving!

In an effort to bring hope for healing and restoration to millions of women and girl survivors around the globe, we plan, with increased funding, to replicate our signature, groundbreaking and innovative "Forgiveness Frees the Butterfly Retreats," to cities across America, and countries around the world. (see "Our Services" page)

Our Ultimate Goal is to build a Beautiful Healing Waters Retreat and Conference Center Headquarters on ten acres of land outside Wilmington, North Carolina.

Giving, Serving, Growing!

Healing Waters Global Retreat And Conference Center

Help Us Build A Global Safe Space For Survivors!

With increased resources we could make a more impact and accomplish this outcome. To that end, we invite individual donors, investors, civic organizations, businesses, foundations, celebrities, and others to help us build and fund our center.

When you generously donate to our building fund, you help us help survivors heal and recover from this atrocity (see our Donation Page)

Call To Action!

Every day a new heart wrenching story of sexual violence is being reported. In light of the apparent sexual war being waged against women and girls, we call on all women survivors to break their silence,use their voice as a weapon;

Join The Movement!

“Women are going to form a chain, a greater Sisterhood than the world has ever known.”

Your Voice Is Your Weapon Speak Out!

Men and women must Speak Out and Stand Up against this global pandemic and crime against humanity. Together In Our Lifetime we can change and transform the culture of violence against women and girls; and Stop Gender Violence!

Tarana Burke, Founder Of The #Metoo Movement

Times Up Movement! (providing legal defense funds to women
and men sexual terrorism in the workplace)

“Women are going to form a chain, a greater Sisterhood
than the world has ever known.”